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Map of Haringey and it's surrounding boroughs that BOHE supports.

Bridge of Hope & Empowerment is a charity which was founded in 2021.  Our services cater to those in and surrounding the neighbouring boroughs of Haringey and our primary aim is to promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society. 


By socially excluded we mean those who have been excluded from society as a result of unemployment, financial hardship, discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, disability or ethnic origin, poor educational or skills attainment.

We have organised several projects to help achieve our aim, these include:

  • Project Feed - Food Bank

  • Project Educate - Uplift Upskill

  • Project Empower- Fly girls

  • Project Health - Help & Heal

  • Project Empower - Young Kings

These projects supply food to our communities relieving hunger and supporting those in need.  Our projects also allow for individuals to be upskilled to get back into employment; as well as inspire and motivate our young people to aspire to achieve their goals and passions through workshops.  Our projects also address and support our community to grow their understanding and develop their physical and mental health through practitioner-led workshops.



This motivates us to stand alongside people in crisis and meet them at the point of their need.


We are BIG on togetherness and unity.  As a people we must unite and empathise with each other in order to achieve change.


This drives us to insist that change occurs so that no one needs to be socially excluded because of financial hardship, lack of attainment, discrimination of race, gender or any other factor.  We want our community to be fed, educated and empowered.

We know and acknowledge how important it is for every individual to feel accepted and valued with their needs and concerns met through the building of positive friendships.


  • To eradicate hunger through our food bank and address the route causes for individuals we support.

  • To uplift and upskill those in our community with the knowledge needed to get back on track educationally to be prepared for employment.

  • To increase the health of our community through workshops and sessions focused on mental, emotional and physical health.

  • To empower the next generation to break the current cycle of social exclusion.

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